This series is titled “Rockstar.” Much of my free time during this period was spent enjoying live music. Music was a very large element in my life. The idea behind this project was to try to show a little bit more of what goes on not just when the musicians are on stage, but also what they go through as part of the experience. I also wanted to go beyond just my experience, and include more of the atmosphere surrounding the entire process. These images were all taken between August and December of 2003 in various clubs and bars around town. There are 17 images in this series. This series was shot completely with plastic cameras on black & white film. The images are presented below in the order and format that they were originally presented. Thanks go out to all the bands that graciously let me shoot them: Tramps & Thieves, Shurman, Suspect Audio, Los Guys, The Pistoleros, Stereochrome, Seth Gooby, ClaireMarie and especially Nick Jasken and COLORFAST.